Twin baby boys a few days old.
"We have twin boys who are now 22 years old. We found out we were having twins at my 20 week ultrasound. Two weeks later we were told that one twin had Spina Bifida and we should abort that one as they were not sure of the life the baby would have. We could not and would never consider that as an option.
They were born at 29 weeks gestation and a little over 2lbs 10 oz. Again we were told to turn off the support given to our son with Spina Bifida as he would be a vegetable with no quality of life. We did not and thank the Lord for the miracles He provided us with in our twins.
The one with Spina Bifida holds a part time job as a recreational therapists. With orthotics can walk and he even has his licence and owns his own car." -Alice