"Ten years ago we were asked when we would like to ‘terminate’ the pregnancy and ‘try again’. Ten years ago they pushed all the way to delivery day that our baby did not deserve life. Ten years ago we ignored the naysayers and brought a beautiful boy into the world even though he was seen as not ‘normal’.
Our son had to undergo many surgeries, the majority performed by the gifted hands of Dr Ben Carson. His struggles were real and difficult; his smiles and laughter would brighten your day.
Two years ago we had to say ‘goodbye’ to our son. Two years ago the medical system failed him. Two years ago we stopped hearing his voice. At the age of 7+1/2 he left us, but we would not trade a moment of his life.
Kyle and his mom sledding just prior to his death.
We decided from the beginning, even if he had died his first day, that we would fight for him. That is what a parent does. We were his voice when he had none, we were his legs because his did not function.
If we went back to ten years ago we would do it all over again. Our babies deserve better than abortion. Our babies deserve life. Our babies deserve love." -Stephen